Infinitely Scalable
On-Chain Game Engine

Unlimited TPS  •  Gasless  •  Ultra-low Latency

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The zkSpin Technology

As the first project to proposed verifiable gaming in August, 2023, zkSpin leverages computing technologies developed at MIT and Berkeley to deliver the ultimate immersive on-chain gaming experience. This transforms gaming into what it ought to be: fun, social, open, and uplifting. To make it easier for the game developer community to try out this new technology, we make developer experience the top priority in our long term roadmap.

Lite paper (Coming soon)ZKP PrimeR


Spin Playground

Super Lightweight Retro Spin Games 🚀

Spin Intelligence

On-chain gaming activities are professionally indexed and analyzed, with actionable insights accessible via a Web2 API, by the team behind @CertikAlert and SkyInsights.

Coming soon


Teamed Up with the Best